Buttery Caramel Corn


16 cups of popped popcorn

1 cup of brown sugar

1/4 cup light corn syrup

1 stick butter or margarine

1/2 teaspoon salt

1 teaspoon vanilla

1/2 teaspoon baking soda


Place popcorn in a large paper bag. In a large batter bowl, mix sugar, syrup, butter, and salt. Microwave on full power for 2 minutes. Stir well. Microwave for another 3 minutes, stirring after each minute. Add vanilla and baking soda. Stir well and pour over popcorn in the bag. Close bag and fold ends together. Shake well and microwave on full power for 1 minute. Shake bag and microwave for another minute. Shake again and microwave for 30 seconds. Shake for the final time and microwave for another 30 seconds. Pour out on foil and let cool. Store air tight.

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